I’m so excited to share the news that I am one of six writers shortlisted for the Deep Creek Residency Fellowship for 2024!
I can’t tell you how amazing it is to know that industry professionals have read my work and can see the potential in it. Writing this memoir has come naturally to me and been very cathartic, but I’ve also worked hard to learn more about the craft of writing and ensure that I implement these learnings into my manuscript.
Thank you to @matilda_bookshop, @writerssainc, @ultimopress, @meadipus and @grasstreegully for providing such an amazing opportunity. Thanks also to my fellow Writing Wednesday writers, especially @jim2.7 and @mary.the.writer, who have provided valuable feedback and support week in, week out. And to @sean_fewster, who was the first one to give me a voice when I was navigating the justice system, where only certain people get a chance to speak.
And congratulations to the other five finalists, it’s an honour to be amongst such talent!
Repost @matilda_bookshop

Image descriptions:
1. A photo of bushland. Text overlay reads ‘SHORTLIST: Deep Creek Residency Fellowship for a South Australian writer’. Underneath is a green overlay, with a photo of a female with bright pink hair. Text next to it reads ‘Mentor to Monster by Karen Devenport’. Underneath are the logos for Matilda Bookshop, Writers SA and Ultimo Press.
2. A photo of bushland. Text overlay reads ‘Deep Creek Residency Fellowship for a South Australian writer. SHORTLIST ANNOUNCED’. Underneath is a green overlay, with photos of six people and their names underneath. Underneath are the logos for Matilda Bookshop, Writers SA and Ultimo Press.