I’m on a podcast!

I’m excited (and a bit nervous!) to let you know that I was recently interviewed by the amazing Dr Rebecca Ray for her podcast! I got super vulnerable as Beck coached me through one of my blocks related to a change in direction for my business.

For years, my business has been made up of bits and pieces and it didn’t feel coherent to me. I had lots of different ideas for what I ‘could’ do and what I thought I ‘should’ do. I joined Beck’s mastermind program, Intentional Business, to gain clarity on what I wanted my business to be. And that clarity came—I’m a writer, I always have been, and I always will be. But it was only by being in Beck’s program that I realised what a gift I have, and that not everyone loves writing or finds it easy like I do! I was able to identify that my gift is something of great value to other entrepreneurs.

Through the provision of written content for web pages, social media, newsletters, ebooks, blog posts, and more, I now use my strength in writing so that other entrepreneurs can focus on their strengths, allowing them to do the work that fulfills them and impacts others.

But it’s never an easy road to move into something new! And I’m not ashamed to say that I needed help to deal with the fear that was stopping me from moving forward. Thankfully I had the support of Beck and the other participants as I worked through my blocks.

You can find the podcast (as well as the transcript if you’d prefer to read it) here:


Or search for ‘Hello Rebecca Ray’, episode 41, wherever you get your podcasts!


If you could shift one obstacle that is holding you back, what would it be? I’d love for you to share it with me in the comments!

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