Karen and Balance


Something’s been unsettling me lately. I’ve been seeing quite a few posts on social media making fun of those of us who use essential oils. It’s pretty sucky because we all get lumped into the same bucket of people who think that ’natural solutions can cure everything’. Just to be clear, I don’t think that.


An extraordinary life

An extraordinary life

‘An extraordinary life—a life to be proud of—is a decision. Not a single decision, but a myriad of little decisions each day. Daily decisions about money and health and passion and contribution. One day at a time. These decisions add up until one day you look over your shoulder and realize you’ve created an extraordinary

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Instagram Top Nine

Reflections and Intentions

It’s the last day of the year and I feel incredibly good about moving into a new year. Partly because 2018 was a tough year for me, but a big part is because I’ve spent some time over the last month reflecting on 2018 and thinking about 2019. Not so much setting goals for 2019,

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Photo of landscape

It’s finally spring!

It’s spring! It’s finally spring!   There’s something about a new season that signals to me that it’s time to think about my intentions for the next few months. I also really enjoy the beginning of a new month. I’m really not that into the beginning of a new year though. I think because for

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Photo of Karen as a toddler with her Dad

Happy Father’s Day

I lost my dad when I was just 20 years old. It was very, very sudden. I got the news that he was unwell and I immediately flew from Adelaide to Canberra, but he was already heavily sedated. We were told that he only had a few days left. They lightened the sedation at one

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Stop victim blaming

Let’s talk about victim blaming

Today my heart feels heavy. Last week, a young woman named Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered in Victoria, Australia, as she walked home from performing a comedy gig. Before the alleged perpetrator had turned himself in and was charged, Victorian Police Superintendent David Clayton made outrageous statements about how women need to be aware of

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Our prime purpose in life is to help others

It’s been awhile…

My poor, neglected blog. It’s been a long time between visits. I could defend myself and say that I’ve been busy, and this is certainly true. Between my day job, ghostwriting, freelance admin work, virtual assistance work, and my essential oil business… life is quite full. But I could easily have made time to update

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The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big

I got this book yesterday and wanted to share the story behind it.   I’d heard of the author, David Schwartz, from a workshop I attended where the presenter talked about a formula that Schwartz uses – it’s based around how we actually have waaaaaay more years than we think we have to accomplish big

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